A list of Interesting Publications by various authors
2000 to 2009
Denotes recently added/updated publications
Alexander, R. M. (2006). Dinosaur biomechanics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1596), 1849-1855.
Bates, K. T., Manning, P. L., Hodgetts, D., & Sellers, W. I. (2009). Estimating mass properties of dinosaurs using laser imaging and 3D computer modelling. PLoS One, 4(2), e4532.
Betelev, N.P., The Expanding Earth Concept and the Mechanisms Responsible for the Generation and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons, in Mater. Vserossiiskoi konf. “Genezis nefti i gaza” (Proc. All-Russia Conf. The Genesis of Oil and Gas), Moscow: GEOS, 2003, pp. 37–38.
Betelev, N.P., The Expanding Earth Concept and Some Issues in Lithology, Petrology, Petroleum Geology, and Ecology, in Mater. 4-go Vserossiiskogo litologicheskogo soveshchaniya “Osadochnye protsessy: sedimentogenez,
litogenez, rudogenez (evolyutsiya, tipizatsiya, diagnostika, modelirovanie)” (Proc. 4th All-Russia Lithologic Conf. Sedimentary Processes: Sedimentogenesis, Lithogenesis, Ore Genesis (Evolution, Classification,
Identification, Modeling)), vol. 2, Moscow: GEOS, 2006, pp. 239–241.
Betelev, N.P., The Expanding Earth Concept and Some Problems in Tectonics, Petrology, and Petroleum Geology, Izv. Vuzov, Geologiya i Razvedka, 2007, no. 1, pp. 40–44.
Betelev, N.P., The Expanding Earth Concept and the Problem of Energetics for Tectonic Processes, in Mater. 41-go Tektonicheskogo soveshch. “Obshchie I regional’nye problemy tektoniki i geodinamiki” (Proc. 41th Tectonic Conf. General and Regional Problems Arising in Tectonics and Geodynamics), vol. 1, Moscow: GEOS, 2008, pp. 87–92.
Betelev, N.P. (2008). The Concept of an Expanding Earth.
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Beekman, G. (2006). I.O. Yarkovsky and the Discovery of ‘his’ Effect. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 37, 71-86.
Briggs, J.C. (2003). The biogeographic and tectonic history of India. Journal of Biogeography, 30(3), 381-388.
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Blinov, V.F., Rastushchaya Zemlya: iz planet v zvezdy (The Expanding Earth: from a Planet to a Star), Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2003.
Cahill, R. T. (2007). Dynamical 3-space: a review. arXiv preprint arXiv:0705.4146.
Chatterjee, S., Templin, R. J., & Campbell, K. E. (2007). The aerodynamics of Argentavis, the world's largest flying bird from the Miocene of Argentina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(30), 12398-12403.
Gunga, H. C., Suthau, T., Bellmann, A., Stoinski, S., Friedrich, A., Trippel, T., & Hellwich, O. (2008). A new body mass estimation of Brachiosaurus brancai Janensch, 1914 mounted and exhibited at the Museum of Natural History (Berlin, Germany). Fossil Record, 11(1), 33-38.
Christiansen, P., & Fariña, R. A. (2004). Mass prediction in theropod dinosaurs. Historical Biology, 16(2-4), 85-92.
Cwojdziński, S. (2003). The tectonic structure of the continental lithosphere considered in the light of the expanding Earth theory—a proposal of a new interpretation of deep seismic data. Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, 9, 5-79.
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Cwojdziñski, S. (2004). Mantle plumes and dynamics of the Earth interior—towards a new model. Geological Review, 52(8/2).
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Davidson J, (2008). Plate Tectonic Structural Geology to Detailed Field and Prospect Stress Prediction. APPEA Journal.
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Day, J. J., Upchurch, P., Norman, D. B., Gale, A. S., & Powell, H. P. (2002). Sauropod trackways, evolution, and behavior. Science, 296(5573), 1659-1659.
Day, J. J., Norman, D. B., Gale, A. S., Upchurch, P., & Powell, H. P. (2004). A Middle Jurassic dinosaur trackway site from Oxfordshire, UK. Palaeontology, 47(2), 319-348.
Erickson, G. M., Makovicky, P. J., Currie, P. J., Norell, M. A., Yerby, S. A., & Brochu, C. A. (2004). Gigantism and comparative life-history parameters of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs. Nature, 430(7001), 772-775.
Erickson, W. C. (2001). On the Origin of Dinosaurs and Mammals. USA.
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Esteban Trivigno, D., Mendoza, M., & De Renzi, M. (2008). Body mass estimation in Xenarthra: a predictive equation suitable for all quadrupedal terrestrial placentals?. Journal of morphology, 269(10), 1276-1293.
Foulger, G. R. (Ed.). (2005). Plates, plumes, and paradigms.
Gunga, H. C., Suthau, T., Bellmann, A., Friedrich, A., Schwanebeck, T., Stoinski, S., & Hellwich, O. (2007). Body mass estimations for Plateosaurus engelhardti using laser scanning and 3D reconstruction methods. Naturwissenschaften, 94(8), 623-630.
Henderson, D. M., & Snively, E. (2004). Tyrannosaurus en pointe: allometry minimized rotational inertia of large carnivorous dinosaurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 271(Suppl 3), S57-S60.
Hutchinson, J. R., & Garcia, M. (2002). Tyrannosaurus was not a fast runner. Nature, 415(6875), 1018-1021.
Hutchinson, J. R. (2004). Biomechanical modeling and sensitivity analysis of bipedal running ability. II. Extinct taxa. Journal of Morphology, 262(1), 441-461.
Hutchinson, John R., and Stephen M. Gatesy. "Dinosaur locomotion: beyond the bones." Nature 440.7082 (2006): 292-294.
Kawai, T., Windley, B. F., Terabayashi, M., Yamamoto, H., Isozaki, Y., & Maruyama, S. (2008). Neoproterozoic glaciation in the mid-oceanic realm: An example from hemi-pelagic mudstones on Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey, UK. Gondwana Research, 14(1), 105-114.
Manning, P. L., Morris, P. M., McMahon, A., Jones, E., Gize, A., Macquaker, J. H., ... & Wogelius, R. A. (2009). Mineralized soft-tissue structure and chemistry in a mummified hadrosaur from the Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota (USA). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, rspb20090812.
Martin, L. D., & Czerkas, S. A. (2000). The fossil record of feather evolution in the Mesozoic. American Zoologist, 40(4), 687-694.
Maxlow, J., (2000). Global Expansion Tectonic. Nexus New Time Magazine, October-November, 7 (6), 41-46.
McCarthy, D. (2003). The trans-Pacific zipper effect: disjunct sister taxa and matching geological outlines that link the Pacific margins. Journal of Biogeography, 30(10), 1545-1561.
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McCarthy, D. (2007). Geophysical explanation for the disparity in spreading rates between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112(B3).
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Naish, D., & Martill, D. M. (2007). Dinosaurs of Great Britain and the role of the Geological Society of London in their discovery: basal Dinosauria and Saurischia. Journal of the Geological Society, 164(3), 493-510.
Novas, F., Salgado, L., Calvo, J., & Agnolin, F. (2005). Giant titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Nueva Serie, 7(1), 31-36.
Okajima, R. (2008). The controlling factors limiting maximum body size of insects. Lethaia, 41(4), 423-430.
Ollier, C. (2003). The origin of mountains on an expanding Earth, and other hypotheses.
Ollier, C., & Pain, C. (2004). The origin of mountains.
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Oreskes, N. (2001). From continental drift to plate tectonics. Plate tectonics: an insider’s history of the modern theory of the Earth.
Oreskes, N. (2004). Science and public policy: what’s proof got to do with it?. Environmental Science & Policy, 7(5), 369-383.
Packard, G. C., Boardman, T. J., & Birchard, G. F. (2009). Allometric equations for predicting body mass of dinosaurs. Journal of Zoology, 279(1), 102-110.
Paul, G. S. (2002). Dinosaurs of the air: the evolution and loss of flight in dinosaurs and birds.
Pennycuick, C. J. (2008). Modelling the flying bird.
Perrichot, V., Marion, L., Néraudeau, D., Vullo, R., & Tafforeau, P. (2008). The early evolution of feathers: fossil evidence from Cretaceous amber of France. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1639), 1197-1202.
Pontzer, H., Allen, V., & Hutchinson, J. R. (2009). Biomechanics of running indicates endothermy in bipedal dinosaurs. PLoS One, 4(11), e7783.
Sato, K., Sakamoto, K. Q., Watanuki, Y., Takahashi, A., Katsumata, N., Bost, C. A., & Weimerskirch, H. (2009). Scaling of soaring seabirds and implications for flight abilities of giant pterosaurs. PLoS One, 4(4), e5400.
Schwarz, D., & Fritsch, G. (2006). Pneumatic structures in the cervical vertebrae of the Late Jurassic Tendaguru sauropods Brachiosaurus brancai and Dicraeosaurus. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 99(1), 65-78.
Sellers, W. I., Manning, P. L., Lyson, T., Stevens, K., & Margetts, L. (2009). Virtual palaeontology: gait reconstruction of extinct vertebrates using high performance computing. Palaeontologia Electronica, 12(3), 11-26.
Scalera, G. (2001). The global paleogeographical reconstruction of the Triassic in the earth dilatation framework and the paleoposition of india. Annali di geofisica.
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Scalera, G. (2003). The expanding Earth: a sound idea for the new millennium. In Why expanding Earth? A book in honour of OC Hilgenberg.
Scalera, G. (2003). Bibliographical sources for the expanding Earth. In Why expanding Earth? A book in honour of OC Hilgenberg.
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Scalera, G. (2005). A new interpretation of the Mediterranean arcs: Mantle wedge intrusion instead of subduction. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Volume Speciale n. 5.
Scalera, G. (2006). TPW and Polar Motion as due to an asymmetrical Earth expansion. Annals of Geophysics. In: Lavecchia, G. and G. Scalera (eds.), 483-500.
Scalera, G. (2006). Are artificial satellites orbits influenced by an expanding Earth?. Annals of Geophysics, 49(2-3).
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Scalera, G. (2009). The Proterozoic Position of India in an Expanding Earth Paleogeography. In Abstracts Book 2nd International Conference on Precambrian Continental Growth and Tectonism (PCGT 2009).
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Scalera, G., & Jacob, K. H. (2003). Why expanding Earth?: a book in honour of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg.
Seebacher, F. (2001). A new method to calculate allometric length-mass relationships of dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21(1), 51-60.
Sellers, W. I., & Manning, P. L. (2007). Estimating dinosaur maximum running speeds using evolutionary robotics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 274(1626), 2711-2716.
Seymour, R. S., & Lillywhite, H. B. (2000). Hearts, neck posture and metabolic intensity of sauropod dinosaurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 267(1455), 1883-1887.
Strutinski, C. (2001). Along-strike shearing instead of orthogonal compression: A different viewpoint on orogeny and regional metamorphism.
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Strutinski, C. (2003). Geotectonic hypotheses at the beginning of the 21st century.
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Taylor, M. P., Wedel, M. J., & Naish, D. (2009). Head and neck posture in sauropod dinosaurs inferred from extant animals. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54(2), 213-220.
Williams, G. E. (2000). Geological constraints on the Precambrian history of Earth's rotation and the Moon's orbit. Reviews of Geophysics, 38(1), 37-59.
Williams, J. G., Turyshev, S. G., & Boggs, D. H. (2004). Progress in lunar laser ranging tests of relativistic gravity. Physical Review Letters, 93(26), 261101.
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Witton, M. P. (2008). A new approach to determining pterosaur body mass and its implications for pterosaur flight. Zitteliana, 143-158.
Xu, X., Tan, Q., Wang, J., Zhao, X., & Tan, L. (2007). A gigantic bird-like dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of China. Nature, 447(7146), 844-847.