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Neal Adams was most famous for his work as a graphic artist, most notably for his work on the classic Marvel and DC Comics characters in X-Men, the Spectre, Deadman and especially Batman. He also helped to win rights for the original creators. His reputation was world-wide, with many obituaries appearing after his recent death from complications with sepsis at the age of 80.

Neal’s work as a graphic artist wasn’t the most interesting aspect for me. I was much more interested in our shared curiosity about the Expanding Earth theory. Neal always told me I should call it Growing Earth theory instead of Expanding Earth theory or Earth expansion, since the Earth has grown in size and mass over geological time. The larger size of dinosaurs due to a reduced gravity seemed obvious to both of us.

Neal Adams burst onto the Expanding Earth scene with his impressive series of “Growing Earth” videos, first uploaded to YouTube in 2007. One of his videos, Science: 01 - Conspiracy: Earth is Growing!, has clocked up over 2.2 million views so far. I’d have to wonder where you’ve been if you’ve not seen at least one of his videos. A full set of these Science Videos is available from Continuity Studios.
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Expanding Earth easily accessible visualisation of the growth of the Earth.
The reconstructions that Neal Adams produced are an easily accessible visualisation of the growth of the Earth. His expertise in graphic art was used to provide a dynamic representation of the Earth tearing the continents apart as it grew in size. His detractors argued that a graphic artist shouldn’t be dallying in science. But Neal proved that everyone can be interested in science. The question he posed is simple - do the ancient continents and oceans fit together on a smaller diameter Earth.

The main argument presented against the strong visual evidence for Earth expansion seemed to be along the lines: “Even if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it still isn’t a duck.” It would seem to be ridiculous to deny the evidence of our own eyes but that is exactly the main argument used against Neal’s reconstructions. We can check the evidence with our own bit of science - just like Neal - by trying to reconstruct our own smaller ancient diameter Earth using readily available ocean floor data. This illustrates that the reconstruction of a smaller diameter Earth is achievable by anyone. This ability to reproduce the same experimental results is one of the key proofs of Earth expansion by the scientific method.

The general theme of the simple “believe me instead of your own eyes” argument are very time consuming to refute but Neal was always ready to promote his case. He appeared in various shows and produced articles to argue the case for Earth expansion.

Many people tell me they were first introduced to Earth expansion after watching the videos of Neal Adams. The brief introduction was enough for many to research the subject in greater detail, uncovering some of the many science papers and books published on the subject.

The Japan Times reporter Jeff Ogrisseg credits Neal Adams for his initial interest in Earth expansion. In 2009 he wrote a series of feature articles for the Sunday edition of the Japan Times examining the evidence that the Earth “may be getting bigger all round like a pumpkin on a vine.” Neal is shown in one of the articles holding one of his globes. The caption reads, “Geology’s Dark Knight: Famed graphic artist Neal Adams holds a homemade paleoglobe showing how tightly Earth’s continents fit together on a smaller sphere.”

One of the Science Videos of Neal Adams: Science: 01 - Conspiracy: Earth is Growing!

Neal Adams
Neal Adams provided the cover illustration for this book

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Neal was also asked to contribute to scientific publications, like the collection of science papers published in the book, Biogeography in a Changing World. Neal’s reconstructions of a Growing Earth appear as the cover illustration. Biogeography offers significant support for Earth expansion and one paper by Dennis McCarthy presents the evidence for Earth expansion.


I had hoped to get Neal to write a chapter for the new book, The Hidden History of Earth Expansion, but even though he was very enthusiastic for the project, pressures of work and his health proved a problem. In the end he was one of the authors that had to drop out.


Neal was a very busy man but I will always be grateful he decided to devote some of his valuable time to help promote Earth expansion.


I send my condolences to all his family and friends. Neal Adams is survived by his wife Marilyn, and his sons and daughters, Joel, Jason, Josh, Kris and Zeea.



Stephen Hurrell - 2022


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Page last updated  12 Sept 2024

Earth expansion in the Japan Times