Jan Koziar’s book deals with a fascinating topic. Most geologists believe that space geodesy proves the constant size of the Earth, but the reality is startlingly different. The scientists who publish space geodesy results simply accept as fact that the Earth is not expanding (since it has been proven by geologists) and modify their data to fit this conviction. The geologists in their turn accept that the Earth is not expanding, because it has been proven by space geodesy. It is a classic example of circular reasoning.
Koziar is a Polish geologist who has been researching into the theory of Earth expansion for decades. He started investigations into Earth expansion in 1970, aided by the scientific openness of Professor Józef Oberc. Koziar has now published 44 papers, given about 140 lectures and taken part in nine international conferences about Earth expansion.
Koziar is part of the Wrocław scientific community based in Poland. The Wrocław group have the distinction that its scientists, comprising both geologists and physicists, have actually dealt with most of the issues facing Earth expansion, with ten of them being authors or co-authors of papers about the expanding Earth. The list of the papers published by just the Wrocław group is now approaching 100 items, a sizable portion of the 1,000+ papers published in total.
What is space geodesy? It’s the same measurements that are commonly used in GPS and the Sat Nav in our cars. In theory it can be used to measure if the Earth is expanding or not.
However, there is a particular problem with these results in that scientists seem determined that the Earth is not expanding, whatever the results show. James Maxlow has pointed out the astonishing attitude of some scientists. When Robaudo & Harrison detected an uplift indicating Earth expansion in 1993 they simply chose to ignore it. Although their results seemed to show an upward motion of over 18 millimetres a year they decided it seemed “reasonable to restrict the vertical motion to be zero” since they believed the Earth was not expanding.
Space geodesy scientists simply accepted as a dogma that the Earth is not expanding. Koziar points out that this leads to a circular reasoning that reveals itself in many ways.
One of the most obvious observations is that parts of the Earth obviously in tension are predicted to be in compression. Space geodesy measurements, based on plate tectonics, introduce many fictitious convergences of plates and regions where plate tectonics insist there is contraction instead of tension. There is tectonic stretching of the East Asia continental margin when space geodesy predicts compression (see page 17). While space geodesy says Africa is crashing into Europe the geological evidence shows that the Mediterranean Sea is an area in tension that is currently opening (see page 65). North and South America are contracting according to plate tectonics while the geology shows they are stretching (see pages 31-34).
There are many recorded artefacts across whole continental plates. Several plates are thought to be shrinking because geodesy stations seem to be converging, even though there is no geological structure which could be interpreted as a compression zone. These include major regions like North America and Australia, which are all shrinking according to space geodesy (see pages 40–43).
All these artefacts are caused by assuming that the Earth is not expanding. When the Earth is allowed to expand it is obvious that the real motion is almost exactly the opposite of what plate tectonic predicts. The fictitious collisions, contractions and rotations of plate tectonics are in reality a stretching of the crust as the Earth expands (see pages 60-63).
Koziar believes that most expansionist now consider, “and recently prove (Hurrell, 2011)” [thanks Jan], that Earth expansion is a result of growth of mass. He believes that the site of the new matter generation is most probably the Earth’s inner core, perhaps formed by a physical micro-mechanism (see p82).
In his final consideration, Koziar notes that a corrected absolute reference frame is required to overcome all the circular reasoning that plate tectonics produces on a non-expanding Earth (see p80).
Members of the Polish group considered this was such an important contribution they financed its publication as a paperback book. I agree totally with their sentiment. The general public don’t understand, and are not prepared to accept, geologists’ inability to predict Earth movements. Within the last few years Italian geologists were jailed for not predicting an earthquake.
In theory the numerous geodetic measurements should have helped the Italian geologists immensely. But what if their measurements are being recorded as compression instead of extension, wouldn’t that thoroughly confuse them? It is certainly no surprise that Italy is one of the key areas predicted to be in compression by plate tectonics but extending with expansion.
This very important point is literally life and death. Around the world millions of people live close to earthquake zones. Many die when the Earth moves.
Koziar, J. (2018). Expanding Earth and space geodesy. Free pdf
Koziar, J. (2018). Expansion of the world geodetic ellipsoid (copy of 2018 paper to Nature) Free pdf
Page created 04 Jun 18
Page updated 07 Jun 19
Expanding Earth and Space Geodesy
by Jan Koziar
Published: 23 March 2018
Format: Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-83-950414-0-2
Review by Stephen Hurrell