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A recent geological science paper in the Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG), published in July 2016, discusses the geological evidence that the northern boundary of the Indian plate has never been widely separated from the Tibet region.

The Concept of Gondwanaland and Pangaea: A reappraisal, by Zahid A. Khan and Ram Chandra Tewari, reinvestigates the concept that there was a single mega-continent on the Earth, a Pangaea, which broke up as a consequence of the development of the mid oceanic ridges, late in Mesozoic, and certainly not before the Permian. The article discusses various detailed geological evidence that implies there was a unified landmass, enabling the India-Tibet region to remain connected.

This evidence for a unified mega-continent disagrees with the Plate Tectonic theory which must separate the Indian plate, by placing it in the southern hemisphere as an isolated plate, in order to maintain a constant diameter Earth. The authors conclude that several lines of geological evidence indicate “the envisaged movement of the Indian landmass is untenable”, even though this movement is essential for the Plate Tectonic theory.

The answer to this paradox is that the Earth was a smaller diameter in the past as proposed by the expanding Earth theory. The “gaping gore” that separates India in Plate Tectonics disappears on an Earth of smaller diameter to allow India to remain connected, just as the geological evidence indicates.

The geological science paper is freely available as a downloadable pdf from the Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics.

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Khan, Z.A., & Tewari, R.C. 2016. The Concept of Gondwanaland and Pangaea: A reappraisal. Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG). Free pdf or Free pdf

Page first created   25 Aug 16
Page last updated  10 Jan 17
“the envisaged movement of the Indian landmass is untenable”

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